Isotropic geometry of graph surfaces associated with product production functions in economics

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Muhittin Evren Aydin
Mahmut Ergut


A production function is a mathematical formalization in economics which denotes the relations between the output generated by a firm, an industry or an economy and the inputs that have been used in obtaining it. In this paper, we study the product production functions of 2 variables in terms of the geometry of their associated graph surfaces in the isotropic $3-$space $\mathbb{I}^{3}$. In particular, we derive several classification results for the graph surfaces of product production functions in $\mathbb{I}^{3}$ with constant curvature.

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How to Cite
Aydin, M. E., & Ergut, M. (2016). Isotropic geometry of graph surfaces associated with product production functions in economics. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, 47(4), 433–443.
Author Biographies

Muhittin Evren Aydin

Department ofMathematics, Firat University, 23119 Elazig, Turkey.

Mahmut Ergut

Department ofMathematics, Namik Kemal University, 59 000 Tekirdag.


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