Commutative group algebras and Prufer groups

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P. V. Danchev


Suppose $G$ is a multiplicatively written abelian $p$-group, where $p$ is a prime, and $F$ is a field of arbitrary characteristic. The main results in this paper are that none of the Sylow $p$-group of all normalized units $S(FG)$ in the group ring $FG$ and its quotient group $S(FG)/G$ cannot be Prufer groups. This contrasts a classical conjecture for which $S(FG)/G$ is a direct factor of a direct sum of generalized Prufer groups whenever $F$ is a perfect field of characteristic $p$.

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How to Cite
Danchev, P. V. (2010). Commutative group algebras and Prufer groups. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, 41(1), 85–95.
Author Biography

P. V. Danchev

13, General Kutuzov Street, block 7, floor 2, flat 4, 4003 Plovdiv, Bulgaria.