Recent developments on a nonlocal problem arising in the micro-electro mechanical system

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Jong-Shenq Guo


In this paper, we study an evolution problem arises in the study of MEMS (micro-electro mechanical system) device. We consider both parabolic and hyperbolic type problems. We summarize some recent results on the steady states and the global vs non-global existence of solutions. We also list some open problems and provide a list (far from complete) of references related to this subject.

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How to Cite
Guo, J.-S. (2014). Recent developments on a nonlocal problem arising in the micro-electro mechanical system. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, 45(3), 229–241.
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Author Biography

Jong-Shenq Guo

Department ofMathematics, Tamkang University, Tamsui, New Taipei City 25137, Taiwan.


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