Some applications of certain integral operators involving functions

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Khhalida Inayat Noor
Bushra Malik
Syed Zakar Hussain Bukhari


Integral transforms map equations from their original domains into others where manipulations and solutions may be much easier than in original domains. To get back in the original environment, we use the idea of inverse of the integral transform. A function analytic and locally univalent in a given simply connected domain is said to be of bounded boundary rotation if its range has bounded boundary rotation which is defined as the total variation of the direction angle of the tangent to the boundary curve under a complete circuit. \qquad The main objective of the present article is to study some applications of certain integral operators to functions of bounded radius rotation involving Janowski functions. We discuss some inclusion results under certain assumption on parameters involve in operators as well as in related subclasses of analytic functions. Most of these results are best possible. We also relate our findings with the existing literature of the subjects.

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How to Cite
Noor, K. I., Malik, B., & Hussain Bukhari, S. Z. (2018). Some applications of certain integral operators involving functions. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, 49(1), 25–34.
Author Biographies

Khhalida Inayat Noor

Department of Mathematics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan. E-mail:

Bushra Malik

Department of Mathematics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Syed Zakar Hussain Bukhari

Department of Mathematics,Mirpur University of Science and Technology(MUST)Mirpur-10250(AJK), Pakistan.


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