Bounds for Generalized Distance Spectral Radius and the Entries of the Principal Eigenvector
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For a simple connected graph $G$, the convex linear combinations $D_{\alpha}(G)$ of \ $Tr(G)$ and $D(G)$ is defined as $D_{\alpha}(G)=\alpha Tr(G)+(1-\alpha)D(G)$, $0\leq \alpha\leq 1$. As $D_{0}(G)=D(G)$, $2D_{\frac{1}{2}}(G)=D^{Q}(G)$, $D_{1}(G)=Tr(G)$ and $D_{\alpha}(G)-D_{\beta}(G)=(\alpha-\beta)D^{L}(G)$, this matrix reduces to merging the distance spectral and distance signless Laplacian spectral theories. In this paper, we study the spectral properties of the generalized distance matrix $D_{\alpha}(G)$. We obtain some lower and upper bounds for the generalized distance spectral radius, involving different graph parameters and characterize the extremal graphs. Further, we obtain upper and lower bounds for the maximal and minimal entries of the $ p $-norm normalized Perron vector corresponding to spectral radius $ \partial(G) $ of the generalized distance matrix $D_{\alpha}(G)$ and characterize the extremal graphs.
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