On the Babai and Upper Chromatic Numbers of Graphs of Diameter 2

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Peter Johnson
Alexis Krumpelman


The Babai numbers and the upper chromatic number are parameters that can be assigned to any metric space. They can, therefore, be assigned to any connected simple graph. In this paper we make progress in the theory of the first Babai number and the upper chromatic number in the simple graph setting, with emphasis on graphs of diameter 2.

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How to Cite
Johnson, P., & Krumpelman, A. (2021). On the Babai and Upper Chromatic Numbers of Graphs of Diameter 2. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, 52(1), 113–123. https://doi.org/10.5556/j.tkjm.52.2021.3430
Author Biography

Alexis Krumpelman, Morehead State University

Department of Mathematics



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