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Since the late sixties, Various Auslander regularity conditions have been widely investigated in both commutative and non-commutative cases, [6]. J. E. Bjork studied the Auslander regularity on graded rings and positively filtered Noetherian Noetherian rings, [7]. In [7] the notion of a holonomic module over positively filtered rings has been introduced. Recently, Huishi, in his Ph. D. Thesis [12], investigate Auslander regularity condition and holonomity of graded and filtered modules over Zariski filtered rings.
In this work, using the micro-structure sheaf techniques we characterize a generalized Holonomic sheaf theory. We introduce a general study of Auslander regularity on the micro-structure sheaves. We calculate the global dimension of modules over the micro- structure sheaves O . The main results are contained in Theorem (2.4), Theorem (3.6) and Theorem (3.7).
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