Note on integral closures of semigroup rings

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Ryuki Matsuda


Let $S$ be a subsemigroup which contains 0 of a torsion-free abelian (additive) group. Then $S$ is called a grading monoid (or a $g$-monoid). The group $ \{s-s'|s,s'\in S\}$ is called the quotient group of $S$, and is denored by $q(S)$. Let $R$ be a commutative ring. The total quotient ring of $R$ is denoted by $q(R)$. Throught the paper, we assume that a $g$-monoid properly contains $ \{0\}$. A commutative ring is called a ring, and a non-zero-divisor of a ring is called a regular element of the ring.


We consider integral elements over the semigroup ring $ R[X;S]$ of $S$ over $R$. Let $S$ be a $g$-monoid with quotient group $G$. If $ n\alpha\in S$ for an element $ \alpha$ of $G$ and a natural number $n$ implies $ \alpha\in S$, then $S$ is called an integrally closed semigroup. We know the following fact:


${\bf Theorem~1}$ ([G2, Corollary 12.11]). Let $D$ be an integral domain and $S$ a $g$-monoid. Then $D[X;S]$ is integrally closed if and only if $D$ is an integrally closed domain and $S$ is an integrally closed semigroup.


Let $R$ be a ring. In this paper, we show that conditions for $R[X;S]$ to be integrally closed reduce to conditions for the polynomial ring of an indeterminate over a reduced total quotient ring to be integrally closed (Theorem 15). Clearly the quotient field of an integral domain is a von Neumann regular ring. Assume that $q(R)$ is a von Neumann regular ring. We show that $R[X;S]$ is integrally closed if and only if $R$ is integrally closed and $S$ is integrally closed (Theorem 20). Let $G$ be a $g$-monoid which is a group. If $R$ is a subring of the ring $T$ which is integrally closed in $T$, we show that $R[X;G]$ is integrally closed in $T[X;S]$ (Theorem 13). Finally, let $S$ be sub-$g$-monoid of a totally ordered abelian group. Let $R$ be a subring of the ring $T$ which is integrally closed in $T$. If $g$ and $h$ are elements of $T[X;S]$ with $h$ monic and $gh\in R[X;S]$, we show that $g\in R[X;S]$ (Theorem 24).

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How to Cite
Matsuda, R. (2000). Note on integral closures of semigroup rings. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, 31(2), 137–144.
Author Biography

Ryuki Matsuda

Department of Mathematics, Ibaraki University, Mito, Ibaraki 310, Japan.

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