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Let $X$ be a completely regular Hausdorff space, $E$ a Hausdorff locally convex topo­logical vector space, and $V$ a system of weights on $X$. Denote by $CV_b(X, E)$ ($CV_o(X, E)$) the weighted space of all continuous functions $f : X \to E$ such that $vf (X)$ is bounded in $E$ (respectively, $vf$ vanishes at infinity on $X$) for all $v \in V$. In this paper, we give an improved characterization of weighted composition operators on $CV_b(X, E)$ and present a linear dynamical system induced by composition operators on the metrizable weighted space $CV_o(\mathbb{R}, E)$.

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How to Cite
SINGH, R. K., & SINGH, B. (1998). WEIGHTED COMPOSITION OPERATORS AND DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, 29(2), 101–107. https://doi.org/10.5556/j.tkjm.29.1998.4279


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