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In this paper it is shown that $G$ can be decomposed into $p$ copies of $C_4$ and $q$ copies of $C_8$ for each pair of nonnegative integers $p$ and $q$ which 8atisfics the equation $4p+ Sq = |E(G)|$, where $E(G)$ is the number of_edges of $G$, when
(1) $G = K_{m, n}$ the complete bigartite graph, if $m$ and $n$ are even,
(2) $G = K_{m, n}-F$, $K_{m, n}$ with 1-factor removed, if $m = n \equiv 1$ (mod 4), and
(3) $G = K_{m, n}-(F \cup C_6)$, $K_{m, n}$,with 1-factor and one 6-cycle removed, if $m = n \equiv 3$ (mod 4).
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