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In this paper we study qualitatively the Lienard Equation $\ddot x+f(x)\dot x+g(x)=0$ with aid of the non-usual family of funct10ns given by

\[ S_{\alpha, k}(x, y)=\int^{y+F(x)-\alpha G(x)-k}_0 \frac{s}{\alpha s+1} ds +\int_0^x g(u) du\]

where$F(x)=\int_0^x f(u) du$, $G(x)=\int_0^x g(u) du$ and $\alpha, k\in R$.

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GUIDORlZZI, H. L. (1996). THE FAMILY OF FUNCTIONS $S_{\alpha, k}$ AND THE LIENARD EQUATION. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, 27(1), 37–54.


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