CR-submanifolds of SQ-Sasakian manifold

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Sarvesh Kumar Yadav
Shyamal Kumar Hui
Mohd. Iqbal
Pradip Mandal
Mohd. Aslam


In this paper we discussed CR-submanifold of SQ-Sasakian manifold. Next, we considered Chaki pseudo parallel as well as Deszcz pseudo parallel CR-submanifold of SQ-Sasakian manifold. Further we studied almost Ricci soliton and almost Yamabe soliton with torse forming vector field on CR-subamnifold of SQ-Sasakian manifold using semi-symmetric metric connection.

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How to Cite
Yadav, S. K. ., Hui, S. K., Iqbal, M., Mandal, P., & Aslam, M. . (2023). CR-submanifolds of SQ-Sasakian manifold. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, 54(2), 121–138.
Author Biography

Shyamal Kumar Hui, The University of Burdwan

Associate Professor, Mathematics Department


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