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Let $M_n$ denote the set of $n\times n$ complex matrices. For $A$ and $C$ in $M_n$, define the $C$-congruence numerical radius of $A$ by

\[ \rho_c (A) = \max\{|tr(CUAUt)|: U \text{ is unitary}\}. \]

First, we show that $\rho_c$ is a norm on $M_n$ if and only if $C$ is neither symmetric nor skew-symmetric. Secondly, we use $\rho_c$ to characterize two matrices $A$ and $B$ in $M_n$ to be unitarily congruent (i.e. $A= UBU^t$ for some unitary $U$).

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How to Cite
CHENG, C.-M. (1990). TWO RESULTS ON $C$-CONGRUENCE NUMERICAL RADII. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, 21(1), 59–64.


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