Existence and decay estimate of global solution for a viscoelastic wave equation with nonlinear boundary source term

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Mohamed Mellah
Abdelkader Benali


In this paper, we consider a viscoelastic wave equation with nonlinear boundary source term. By the combination of Galerkin approximation and potential well methods, we prove the global existence of solutions. Then, we give an decay rate estimate of the energy by making use of the perturbed energy method.

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How to Cite
Mohamed Mellah, & Benali, A. (2024). Existence and decay estimate of global solution for a viscoelastic wave equation with nonlinear boundary source term. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics. https://doi.org/10.5556/j.tkjm.56.2025.5256


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Faculty of Exact Sciences and Computer Science, Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef,
