Differentials in certain classes of graphs
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Let $X subset V$ be a set of vertices in a graph $G = (V, E)$. The boundary $B(X)$ of $X$ is defined to be the set of vertices in $V-X$ dominated by vertices in $X$, that is, $B(X) = (V-X) cap N(X)$. The differential $ partial(X)$ of $X$ equals the value $ partial(X) = |B(X)| - |X|$. The differential of a graph $G$ is defined as $ partial(G) = max { partial(X) | X subset V }$. It is easy to see that for any graph $G$ having vertices of maximum degree $ Delta(G)$, $ partial(G) geq Delta (G) -1$. In this paper we characterize the classes of unicyclic graphs, split graphs, grid graphs, $k$-regular graphs, for $k leq 4$, and bipartite graphs for which $ partial(G) = Delta(G)-1$. We also determine the value of $ partial(T)$ for any complete binary tree $T$.
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How to Cite
Pushpam, P. R. L., & Yokesh, D. (2010). Differentials in certain classes of graphs. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, 41(2), 129–138. https://doi.org/10.5556/j.tkjm.41.2010.664