Lie theoretic origin of some generating functions of Fox’s H-Function

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D.K. Jain
Renu Jain


The group theoretic method for achieving unification of diverse mass of literature of special functions is most recent of such efforts and is definitely the most elegant one. In this method the special functions emerge as basis vectors and matrix elements of local multiplier representation of some well known groups. This dual role played by special functions affords a powerful technique for derivation of several generating functions and addition theorems for them. The present paper aims at harnessing this technique to generate, derive and interpret certain expansion of Fox's H-function in series of H-function. In the special case these expansions reduce to corresponding results for G-function.

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How to Cite
Jain, D., & Jain, R. (2012). Lie theoretic origin of some generating functions of Fox’s H-Function. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, 43(2), 179–185.


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