Reconstruction of the Sturm-Liouville operators on a graph with $\delta'_s$ couplings

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ChuanFu Yang


Inverse nodal problems consist in constructing operators from the given zeros of their eigenfunctions. In this work, we deal with the inverse nodal problems of reconstructing the Sturm- Liouville operator on a star graph with $\delta'_s $ couplings at the central vertex. The uniqueness theorem is proved and a constructive procedure for the solution is provided from a dense subset of zeros of the eigenfunctions for the problem as a data.

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How to Cite
Yang, C. (2011). Reconstruction of the Sturm-Liouville operators on a graph with $\delta’_s$ couplings. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, 42(3), 329–342.
Special Issue


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