Some remarks on reconstruction from local weighted averages

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Devaraj Ponnaian


We solve the convolution equation of the type $f\star\mu=g,$ where $f\star \mu$ is the convolution of $f$ and $\mu$ defined by $(f\star \mu)(x)=\int_{{\mathbb{R}}}f(x-y)d\mu(y),$ $g$ is a given function and $\mu$ is a finite linear combination of translates of an indicator function on an interval.

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How to Cite
Ponnaian, D. (2012). Some remarks on reconstruction from local weighted averages. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, 44(3), 217–226.
Author Biography

Devaraj Ponnaian, Anna University

Department ofMathematics, College of EngineeringGuindy, Anna University Chennai, India, PIN 600 025.


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