A New Fuzzy Information Inequalities and its Applications in Establishing Relation among Fuzzy $f$-Divergence Measures

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Sapna Gahlot
RAM Naresh Saraswat


There are many fuzzy information and divergence measures exist in the literature of fuzzy Information Theory. Inequalities play important role for finding the relations. Here, we will introduce some new information inequalities on fuzzy measures and their applications in pattern recognition. Also established relations between new and well known fuzzy divergence measures with help of the fuzzy $f$-divergence measure and jensen’s inequality.

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Gahlot, S., & Saraswat, R. N. (2022). A New Fuzzy Information Inequalities and its Applications in Establishing Relation among Fuzzy $f$-Divergence Measures. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, 53(2), 109–126. https://doi.org/10.5556/j.tkjm.53.2022.3411


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