Composite functions with Allen determinants and their applications to production models in economics

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Muhittin Evren Aydin
Mahut Ergut


In this paper, we derive an explicit formula for the Allen determinants of composite functions of the form:% \[ f\left( \mathbf{x}\right) =F\left( h_{1}\left( x_{1}\right) \times\cdots\times h_{n}\left( x_{n}\right) \right) . \] We completely classify the composite functions by using their Allen determinants. Some applications of Allen determinants to production models are also given.

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How to Cite
Aydin, M. E., & Ergut, M. (2014). Composite functions with Allen determinants and their applications to production models in economics. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, 45(4), 427–435.
Author Biography

Muhittin Evren Aydin

Department ofMathematics, Faculty of Science, Firat University, 23200, Elazig, Turkey.


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