Fitted operator average finite difference method for singularly perturbed delay parabolic reaction diffusion problems with non-local boundary conditions
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This paper deals with numerical solution of singularly perturbed delay parabolic reaction diffusion problem having large delay on the spatial variable with non-local boundary condition. The solution of the problem exhibits parabolic boundary layer on both sides of the spatial domain and interior layer is also created. Introducing a fitting parameter into asymptotic solution and applying average finite difference approximation, a fitted operator finite difference method is developed for solving the problem under consideration. To treat the non-local boundary condition, Simpson's rule is applied. The stability and $\varepsilon$ uniform convergence analysis has been carried out. To validate the applicability of the scheme, numerical examples are presented and solved for different values of the perturbation parameter $\varepsilon$ and mesh sizes. The numerical results are tabulated in terms of maximum absolute errors and rate of convergence and it is observed that the present method is more accurate and shown to be second order Uniformly convergent in both direction, and it also improves the results of the methods existing in the literature.
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