Adaptive mesh extended cubic B-spline method for singularly perturbed delay Sobolev problems
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The purpose of this paper is to develop a robust numerical scheme for a class of singularly perturbed delay Sobolev (pseudo-parabolic) problems that have wide application in various branches of mathematical physics and fluid mechanics.
For the small perturbation parameter, the standard numerical schemes for the solution of these problems fail to resolve the boundary layer(s) and the oscillations occur near the boundary layer. Thus, in this paper to resolve the boundary layer(s), im-
plicit Euler scheme for the time derivatives on uniform mesh and extended B-spline basis functions consisting of free parameter λ are presented for spatial variable on Bakhvalov type mesh. The stability and uniform convergence analyisis of the pro
posed method are established. The error estimation of the developed method is shown to be firts order accurate in time and second order accurate in space. Numerical exprementation is carried out to validate the applicability of the developed
numerical method. The numerical results reveals that the computational result is in agreement with the theoretical estimations
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