Recent advances in metallic Riemannian geometry: a comprehensive review

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Bang-Yen Chen
Majid Ali Choudhary Choudhary
Afshan Perween


Metallic structures, introduced by V. de Spinadel in 2002, opened a new avenue in differential geometry. Building upon this concept, C. E. Hretcanu and M. Crasmareanu laid the foundation for metallic Riemannian manifolds in 2013. The field's rich potential and diverse applications have since attracted significant research efforts, leading to a wealth of valuable insights. This review delves into the latest advances in metallic Riemannian geometry, a rapidly progressing area within the broader field of differential geometry.

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Chen, B.-Y., Choudhary, M. A. C., & Perween, A. (2024). Recent advances in metallic Riemannian geometry: a comprehensive review. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics.
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Author Biographies

Bang-Yen Chen, Department of Mathematic, Michigan State University

Department of Mathematics

Michigan State University

Majid Ali Choudhary Choudhary, Maulana Azad National Urdu University

Department of Mathematics, School of Sciences

Afshan Perween, Maulana Azad National Urdu University

Department of Mathematics


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